Para poder entender el título deben leer el post.
[For understanding the title you need to read the post]
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Si bien este blog está enfocado en moda y estilo personal, considero que más importante que todo eso es el amarnos a nosotras mismas. Nunca importará mucho qué te pongas encima, si confías en tí misma, eres feliz y te quieres inmensamente, eso de por sí te hará brillar más que un traje de lentejuelas.
Quería compartir esto porque creo que tod@s tenemos momentos en los que no nos sentimos al 100% y necesitamos un recordatorio (o varios) de lo increíbles y valios@s que somos. En mi caso, siento que a veces cuando salgo de mi zona de confort y enfrento un nuevo reto necesito de respirar, comer y vivir positivismo. El año pasado por ejemplo dejé mi trabajo y en general toda mi vida como la conocía y me mudé a California con mi novio. Extrañaba horrores a mi familia y amigos, no podía trabajar legalmente hasta finales del año y aunque estaba al lado de la persona que amo, personalmente fue una trancisión difícil. Creo que todos pasamos por diversas situaciones que nos hacen cuestionarnos y en que requerimos de dosis extra de buena energía. A pesar de cualquier cosa que pueda pasarnos o de ciertos aspectos de nuestra vida que no nos encanten, nuestro amor y aceptación hacia nosotras mismas no debe cambiar. Y si algún día se encuentran bajonead@s, abajo les dejo mi kit de primeros auxilios para subirse los ánimos rápidamente. Les puedo asegurar que funciona hasta en los días más grises :D
Creo que muchas personas piensan que el autoestima es algo que uno posee mágicamente y si bien es cierto puede ser que toda tu vida hayas sido una persona muy segura de tí misma, a veces no necesariamente corres esa suerte y hay que trabajar para ganar esa seguridad. Y creo que no tiene nada de malo, solo hay que reconocer la situación y trabajar para lograrlo.
Pienso también que la imagen personal es importante y muchas veces puede confundirse eso con vanidad. Creo que es bueno desligar ambos conceptos, porque el cuidar nuestra apariencia y cuidar de nuestra salud es una forma de querernos también. Creo que el cariño e intención que pones detrás de ese "verte bien', es lo que cuenta.
Así que: Abracen su belleza natural y sean felices. Olvídense de esos pequeños detallitos que no les gustan, porque en verdad no son importantes. Sonrían mucho y siéntanse en verdad hermooooosas y capaces de lograrlo todo, porque eso es lo real. Y si se sienten así, eso es lo que reflejarán siempre y eso es lo que todas las personas a su alrededor notarán más.
Nuestro mundo exterior es el reflejo de nuestro mundo interior y por eso es que la belleza real, no ese concepto subjetivo que tiene el mundo sobre la belleza, nace de adentro hacia afuera :))) Y todo esto no tiene nada que ver con vanidad o "creernos", se trata de realmente estar a gusto con quienes somos, de ser buenas personas y valorar el increíble potencial que tenemos para lograr absolutamente todo lo que nos propongamos hacer.
Recuerden siempre: El quererse inmensamente a uno mismo es y siempre será el mejor maquillaje que se puedan poner, el mejor accesorio y la mejor vestimenta que alguna vez encontrarán ;) Y debe ser algo infaltable en tu closet.
Source: Pinterest |
Creo que muchas personas piensan que el autoestima es algo que uno posee mágicamente y si bien es cierto puede ser que toda tu vida hayas sido una persona muy segura de tí misma, a veces no necesariamente corres esa suerte y hay que trabajar para ganar esa seguridad. Y creo que no tiene nada de malo, solo hay que reconocer la situación y trabajar para lograrlo.
Pienso también que la imagen personal es importante y muchas veces puede confundirse eso con vanidad. Creo que es bueno desligar ambos conceptos, porque el cuidar nuestra apariencia y cuidar de nuestra salud es una forma de querernos también. Creo que el cariño e intención que pones detrás de ese "verte bien', es lo que cuenta.
Source: Pinterest |
Así que: Abracen su belleza natural y sean felices. Olvídense de esos pequeños detallitos que no les gustan, porque en verdad no son importantes. Sonrían mucho y siéntanse en verdad hermooooosas y capaces de lograrlo todo, porque eso es lo real. Y si se sienten así, eso es lo que reflejarán siempre y eso es lo que todas las personas a su alrededor notarán más.
Nuestro mundo exterior es el reflejo de nuestro mundo interior y por eso es que la belleza real, no ese concepto subjetivo que tiene el mundo sobre la belleza, nace de adentro hacia afuera :))) Y todo esto no tiene nada que ver con vanidad o "creernos", se trata de realmente estar a gusto con quienes somos, de ser buenas personas y valorar el increíble potencial que tenemos para lograr absolutamente todo lo que nos propongamos hacer.
Source: Pinterest |
¡Que tengan un día hermoso y muchísimas gracias por leer! :)))
This post is a little different. The title has little or nothing to do with clothing, accessories or a real "outfit". The 24/7 outfit is something intangible but so much more important than anything else, that you have to "wear" it always! yeah! even when you go to sleep! :)
Even though this blog is obviously focus on fashion and personal style, all these things are not as important as truly and deeply loving ourselves. It really doesn't matter what you wear, if you have trust yourself, feel good with who you are and love yourself with all your heart, that itself will make you shine everywhere you go more than any sequins dress.
The reason I wanted to share all this, is because we all need a little reminder (or maybe many reminders) of how amazing and worth beings we are. Anyone at some points needs a little boost in their confidence and to fill themselves with positivism. En my case, I think any time I find myself out of my comfort zone, while facing new challenges or certain situations, I need to breathe, eat and live positivism. Last year, for example, was one of those times, I left my country, a good job and all my life as I knew it to move with my boyfriend. I missed my family and friends, I couldn't really officially or legally work until the end of the year and I couldn't visit my family for one year; even though I was with the person I love by my side, personally was a difficult transition. I think we all go through certain situations or in general, sometimes we are not 100% happy with certain aspects of our life, but that should not change our self love and acceptance. And if you ever feel a little down, on the bottom of this post you can find my emergency kit for cheering yourself up even in the most grey days, It really works!
I think a lot of people thinks that self love or self esteem is something that appears magically or that you just have, but even though there's people that has been highly self confident all their lifes, a lot of times is something you have to work for. And there's nothing bad about that, the idea is to accept the situation and take the actions required to feel amazing with yourself.
I also think that our personal image is important as well. Sometimes when we see a person that really puts an effort on looking good we could think is a vanity issue, but I think taking care of your appearance and being healthy is also a way to express love to ourselves. We should differentiate both concepts because the most important is the caring and the intention put behind looking good.
So for all the girls out there: embrace your natural beauty and be happy. Forget all those details that you don't like, because they are not really important. Smile tons and truly feel like the amazing beautiful being that you are... because if you are are ableto do so, that is what you will always reflect on the outside and that will be what everyone around you will notice the most about you.
The reason I wanted to share all this, is because we all need a little reminder (or maybe many reminders) of how amazing and worth beings we are. Anyone at some points needs a little boost in their confidence and to fill themselves with positivism. En my case, I think any time I find myself out of my comfort zone, while facing new challenges or certain situations, I need to breathe, eat and live positivism. Last year, for example, was one of those times, I left my country, a good job and all my life as I knew it to move with my boyfriend. I missed my family and friends, I couldn't really officially or legally work until the end of the year and I couldn't visit my family for one year; even though I was with the person I love by my side, personally was a difficult transition. I think we all go through certain situations or in general, sometimes we are not 100% happy with certain aspects of our life, but that should not change our self love and acceptance. And if you ever feel a little down, on the bottom of this post you can find my emergency kit for cheering yourself up even in the most grey days, It really works!
I think a lot of people thinks that self love or self esteem is something that appears magically or that you just have, but even though there's people that has been highly self confident all their lifes, a lot of times is something you have to work for. And there's nothing bad about that, the idea is to accept the situation and take the actions required to feel amazing with yourself.
I also think that our personal image is important as well. Sometimes when we see a person that really puts an effort on looking good we could think is a vanity issue, but I think taking care of your appearance and being healthy is also a way to express love to ourselves. We should differentiate both concepts because the most important is the caring and the intention put behind looking good.
So for all the girls out there: embrace your natural beauty and be happy. Forget all those details that you don't like, because they are not really important. Smile tons and truly feel like the amazing beautiful being that you are... because if you are are ableto do so, that is what you will always reflect on the outside and that will be what everyone around you will notice the most about you.
Our outside world is the reflection of our inside world, and that is why real beauty, not that subjective concept that the worlds has about beauty, comes from the inside out :))) And all these has nothing to do with vanity, it's about being happy with who we are and knowing the amazing potential we have to achive anything we could ever imagine.
And always remember: loving yourself is and will always be the best make up you could wear, the best accessory and the best outfit that you will ever find ;) And should always be the MUST piece of your closet.
Have a beautiful rest of the week and thank you very much for reading! :)))
Get inspired! :)
Afirmaciones Positivas de Louis L. Hay / Positive Affirmations from Louis L. Hay
Pensamientos Positivos [Positive Quotes]
Source: Pinterest
by Nora Logue, from
Música para levantar los ánimos [Possitive music for cheering up the soul]
Muy cierto!